“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we will ever do.” – Brene Brown

Meet Maria:
Q. What is one story you have always wanted to tell?
A: I might look okay from the outside, but inside I wasn’t always this way. I’ve struggled with a problem since second grade; a sweaty little secret called hyperhidrosis (excessive uncontrollable sweating). Yep. Who else do you know who can make their own raindrops? But I’m no longer suffering in silence.
I started with nothing when I launched my blog, My Life As A Puddle, 7 years ago. Now my advocacy efforts are reaching people all over the world, like 5-year-old Jessica, in the United Kingdom. Today, her story is posted in hopes that it will help others, just like her, who are so little and already hate their sweaty bodies as I once did. Someone has to be a voice for them – why not me?
I used to feel like I couldn’t do certain things. My confidence was lacking. But then someone recognized me for exactly who I was and that helped me to remember who I was: brave, vulnerable and fearlessly authentic.
I might still be a sweaty mess when you meet me and shake my hand, but I choose to make my mess my message. No matter what you might be going through, the only one standing in your way is yourself. If I hadn’t had the courage to put myself out there last year to be an O, The Oprah Magazine Insider, I might not be standing in front of Amy’s camera today.

A photographer and a phenomenal woman whom I am now blessed to call my friend, Amy helps me remember who I am and who I want to be. She asked the right questions to uncover my story and let me convey it soul-to-soul through her lens.
Point. Click. Flash. A three-step process that empowers lives.
Q: What are you doing now to empower and encourage other women?
A. My blog, and I am one of the inaugural Women For One Truthtellers: a speaking tour that empowers women to use their voices and empower not only themselves but others. I’m also known for spontaneously writing and sending letters to those who have made a difference in my life.

*** Please follow along on instagram as well and learn more about Maria. This year for my birthday 🎂, I am embarking on a weekly photo essay project highlighting 52 Phenomenal Women. This is week 3 of 52. Participants in this project will be supporting the efforts the of Dress for Success Worldwide – Central. We are all stronger together and it is my sincere hope that we will be inspired by each others stories. Now is the time to celebrate as well as encourage one another. Tell your story!